During the divorce mediation process, it is highly recommended that you and your partner hire separate and independent counsel to provide individualized advice to each of you. This lawyer, sometimes called a “consulting attorney” or “review attorney”, can both ensure that you understand the legal consequences of the choices you are making and that your interests are protected.
As your attorney, my job in this role is to be your advocate. But I will also remain cognizant and respectful of the fundamentally amicable nature of mediated divorce. In particular, I’ll know when to insist and where to seek compromise. And, in the end, I will work to make sure that you and your partner make the final decisions—together.
If you are interested in learning more about my services, you can reach me by email at bryana@turnerdivorcemediation.com, by telephone at (646) 491-9008 or by contacting me HERE.
“Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.”