Is My Lawyer Slowing Down My Divorce?

“I’m in litigation and I think my lawyer is slowing down my divorce.  Is he (or she) drawing this process out to make more money off of me?”  I’ve heard this countless times—usually from clients who are unhappy with their process, the size of their bill, or both.  It’s likely that your litigator is slowing down your divorce—but not necessarily in money-grubbing way you think.  In my experience, most lawyers try to work efficiently.  Hours grow because of the nature of the litigation process itself—which is one reason why it’s so important for couples to consider their options before retaining counsel. 

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It's Not Too Late to Mediate

Many people have told me lately that they regret hiring a lawyer to litigate their divorce.  They say they’re tired of the acrimony that comes with litigation.  They tell me they’re unhappy with the war-like tactics, confused that they’ve been instructed not to communicate with their soon-to-be-ex and worried that they’ve lost control over the process and outcome.  But the worst part is that many of them don’t know that they still have options!  No divorcing couple is, or should be, tied to a process that isn’t working for them.  It’s never too late to mediate.

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