How The 2017 Tax Cut Laws Will Change Divorce

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 (“TCJA”) has been a hot topic of discussion among divorce attorneys since it was signed into law last year.  TCJA will have significant implications for divorcing couples—although the exact effects are still largely unknown.  Most divorce attorneys have concluded that TCJA will lower spousal maintenance payments; however, I’m interested in another—even more likely, but much less-noticed—effect of the law.  

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Church, State and Religious Divorce

Divorcing couples in New York often need a religious divorce—in addition to a traditional divorce—to truly move forward with their lives.  This is particularly true in the Jewish orthodox community, where divorcing parties need what is known as a “Get” in order to date, remarry or have children in a subsequent relationship.  Religious issues like these raise challenging issues for courts—and show how important it is for couples to plan in advance to allow courts to assist with issues relating to religious divorce.

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